Bio graphic

Hi, and welcome to Shopping Cart Rhymes, my name is Douglas Jones.
I grew up in New Hampshire In a little town called Langdon. Other
than a short stint in the service I have lived in New Hampshire all my
life. My wife Lori, and I have been married for thirty-nine years and
have raised three children.

I once read somewhere that in every person’s life, one thing they should do is write a book. So, here’s my humble attempt at this endeavor.

Shopping Cart Rhymes is an e-book of rhymes that I have written
over time. The first rhyme that started it all is Shopping Cart and that’s
how I got the title for this book.

I offer the rhyme Shopping Cart, free for your enjoyment. I hope
you like its whimsical nature. Some of you may even have experienced
this scenario yourself.

With this rhyme as well as the others I hope you find them
entertaining and maybe they will take you to a time in your life where
the rhymes are relatable to you.

I will provide fee options, so instead of purchasing the whole book
you can choose to purchase only titles that are of interest to you.

There are fifteen titles in all plus the rhyme shopping cart which I offer
for free. You may choose as little as one rhyme, all rhymes, or options
in between. I hope you enjoy each title you choose and thank you for your support.

Douglas R. Jones


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After driving a concrete mixer for twenty two years it's time to think about retirement!