Debt Relief Law Center, 3670 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 310, Orlando, FL  32803



Debt Collection Harassment Lawyer – providing affordable legal services concerning Debt Collection Harassment and other Consumer Rights legal services, for residents of Central Florida.

Harto de ser acosado

Si usted es una de las millones de personas acosadas por un cobrador de deudas desaprensivo, la ley está de su parte. El Acta de Prácticas Justas Para el Cobro de Deudas, regula las prácticas de los cobradores de deudas y les impone sanciones que rompen las reglas. Si un cobrador de deudas es abusivo y está causando devastación en su vida, nosotros estamos aquí para ayudarle. Estamos comprometidos para luchar en su nombre para detener el acoso del cobrador de deudas.


Un cobrador de deudas le puede llamar, pero no puede llamarle en un momento o lugar que sea inconveniente. Dejando de lado el hecho de que las llamadas de cobro de deudas no son nunca “convenientes”, la FDCPA generalmente explica que un cobrador de deudas no puede llamar antes de las 8:00 am o después de las 9:00 pm. Además, el cobrador de deudas puede llamarle al trabajo solamente una vez. En caso de que después de haberle dicho al cobrador de deudas que no le llame a su trabajo y él lo hace, esto es una violación de la FDCPA. Adicionalmente, un cobrador de deudas no puede llamar y colgar de manera repetitiva, o llamar excesivamente.

Obtenga una Consulta Gratis!.

Si usted es víctima del acoso de un cobrador de deudas, el abogado N. James Turner luchará por sus derechos y le entregará la compensación que usted merece.


Nuestros servicios son 100% GRATIS. La ley dice que los cobradores de deudas abusivos deben pagar nuestros honorarios.


Nosotros detenemos en frío a los cobradores de deudas y usted no recibirá más llamadas ni amenazas de parte de ellos.


Hacemos que los infractores de la ley paguen. Los Cobradores de deudas abusivos son legalmente responsables de pagar hasta $1,000 por daños y perjuicios, más el costo de la corte y honorarios del abogado.


Consiga paz en su mente. Detenga a los cobradores de deudas que quebrantan la ley.

Llámenos 1-888-877-5103

Contact Credit Repair Lawyer, N. James Turner at The Debt Relief Law Center by Calling Toll Free 1.888.877.5103 to Schedule a Confidential and FREE Legal Consultation.

Orlando Credit Repair Lawyer, N. James Turner proudly serves the Credit Repair and Consumer Rights legal needs for residents of Orlando, Kissimmee, Orange County, Osceola County, Seminole County, and throughout Central Florida.


If you are dealing with a situation in which you, as a consumer, are not being dealt with properly in a consumer related transaction or circumstance, find out what your legal rights are. Seek the advice and representation of experienced legal counsel.


Every day those with credit card debt are harassed by a number of collection agencies that commonly use unethical and sometimes illegal means to attempt to collect debt.


Higher education is an investment in one’s future; and it can be expensive. If you are being harassed by student loan creditors or debt collection agencies, find out what your legal rights and options are. Make sure your are informed and your rights are protected.


Being harassed by creditors or debt collectors is illegal. There are both State and Federal Debt Collection Laws that exist to protect the consumer from harassment and other illegal activities by collection agencies, their subsidiaries, and third parties..


We will investigate your credit report error and make sure that the error is corrected. We will dispute the item, insisting that the information furnisher produces evidence substantiating the error or removes the item.


Bankruptcy is a mechanism of the Federal Government to allow debtors (people who owe money) to restart their lives when they have gotten into a financial dilemma where there is no reasonable way to repay the debts they owe.


Being harassed by creditors or debt collectors is illegal. There are both State and Federal Debt Collection Laws that exist to protect the consumer from harassment and other illegal activities by collection agencies, their subsidiaries, and third parties..


We will investigate your credit report error and make sure that the error is corrected. We will dispute the item, insisting that the information furnisher produces evidence substantiating the error or removes the item.


Bankruptcy is a mechanism of the Federal Government to allow debtors (people who owe money) to restart their lives when they have gotten into a financial dilemma where there is no reasonable way to repay the debts they owe.